旧约 - 诗篇(Psalms)第92章

It is good to praise the LORD and make music to your name, O Most High,
to proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night,
to the music of the ten-stringed lyre and the melody of the harp.
For you make me glad by your deeds, O LORD; I sing for joy at the works of your hands.
How great are your works, O LORD, how profound your thoughts!
The senseless man does not know, fools do not understand,
that though the wicked spring up like grass and all evildoers flourish, they will be forever destroyed.
But you, O LORD, are exalted forever.
For surely your enemies, O LORD, surely your enemies will perish; all evildoers will be scattered.
You have exalted my horn like that of a wild ox; fine oils have been poured upon me.
My eyes have seen the defeat of my adversaries; my ears have heard the rout of my wicked foes.
The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon;
planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts of our God.
They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green,
proclaiming, "The LORD is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him."
诗篇第九十二篇   第 92 篇 

  诗 92:1-2> 感谢神,心里有了就行了,非要说出来吗? 

  92:1-2 在感恩节中我们要表达我们对神的祝福的感谢。每天我们都要开口称谢,绝不能对父母、朋友、领袖、特别是对神说:“我已感谢够多的了。”当感恩成为我们生活中一部分的时候,我们会发现自己对生活的态度改变了。我们将变得更积极、慷慨、慈爱和谦虚。 

  诗 92:12-13> 香柏树既粗壮又长寿,义人为何会有这些特质? 

  92:12-13 棕树以长寿闻名。“茂盛要像棕树”的意思是站得高,活得长。黎巴嫩的香柏树高达 36 公尺,周长可达 9 公尺;所以它们长得结实、强壮、挺拔。诗人把信徒看为正直、强壮和不为风吹草动所动摇的。那些将信心建立在神上面的人就会有这样的力量和活力。 

  诗 92:14> 现今的社会是快速淘汰的社会,到年老时,岂不…… 

  92:14 敬畏神并不限于力量和能力看上去用不完的年青人。就是到了老年,委身的信徒也能结出属灵的果子来。许多有信心的老年人,仍然有活泼的见解,并能以他们一生事奉神的经历来教导我们。去寻找一位老年朋友或亲戚来告诉你他与主同在的经历吧;向新的属灵高峰挑战吧。──《灵修版圣经注释》